Vision and Values
At Henbury Court, we're a team. As a leader, my vision for the school is to be at the centre of the community; a school for the community and accountable to the community. My staff are friendly, visible and here to listen to you, supporting your child through their education journey here.
I believe in inclusivity, not as a tokenistic gesture or a slogan, but genuine cohesion. We are proud of our annual Iftar during Ramadan, our multi-faith prayer room and our innovative approaches to family support including our attendance car. We have a food bank for families who may require access to it and a uniform exchange to make the sense of belonging in our school that little bit easier.
Our values underpin everything we do. We live by them every day. At Henbury Court we are a team; we are respectful; we are playful and we are confident.
We take real pride in our wonderful school. I would be happy to show any prospective parent round to celebrate the success in our school. The magic's here. Can you feel it?
Jake Howarth Brown
Head Teacher