Henbury Court Primary Academy

Keeping safe online

The internet has become a part of our everyday lives. We use it daily as a tool to improve teaching and learning, to access information from around the world, to talk to friends and to help with our work. It is an immense environment offering a wealth of resources that benefit us all.

However, it is essential that we all learn how to behave responsibly online both at home and at school.  At Henbury Court Primary Academy we take this matter very seriously, following government advice on best practice. All children across the school are taught Online Safety termly and we also take part in the national Safer Internet Day in February each year. The information and advice provided at this year's parent workshop are available at the bottom of the page.

As part of the Online safety week, every class created a class charter with key messages for the children to remember when going online.

Remember to follow the SMART rules to stay safe.

Always keep your personal information private and be careful what you accept or share online. If anything goes wrong or makes you feel uncomfortable, then make sure that you tell a trusted adult.

One way of keeping safe is by using Google Safe Search when looking for information at school and at home.


For our online safety policy, click here