I'm an adult and I'm concerned about a child
If you are concerned about anything you witness in school, or the treatment of a child outside of school, you can do one of these things:
- Report it to the school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads (Mr Howarth-Brown, Miss Brown or Mrs Stewart) by phoning the school on 0117 377 2196 or emailing office@henburycourt.tila.school
- Contact social services through First Response on:
0117 903 6444 - during working hours
01454 615165 - out of hours and at weekends
In an emergency, please ring 999
For further information, please go to the Bristol Safeguarding Children Board’s website: https://www.bristol.gov.uk/social-care-health/reporting-concerns-about-a-child-first-response
Please find our Child Protection policy here