Henbury Court Primary Academy


Curriculum Intent

The intent for the curriculum at Henbury Court Primary Academy that it inspires and supports all pupils to place themselves, events and new information in time and to be able to use this understanding to question, challenge and interpret the world around them.

Our curriculum will help pupils to become:

Confident and self-aware: 

Children will be able to join in and contribute to lessons, activities and the wider community.  They will be self-aware, understanding their impact on others and the impact of events and people on the world.

Intrinsically motivated: 

Children will develop a deep motivation for learning and understand how to find out new information.  They will ask questions to deepen their understanding and be able to make links between new learning and what they know already.


Children will have a sense of pride in their achievements and be able to recognise where they have made progress and set themselves ambitious goals for the future.

Our planned curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.  

Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum is sequenced so that new learning builds on prior learning.  There are regular opportunities to revisit key ideas so that learning is strengthened.  In KS1 children develop strong foundations, securing the basic knowledge and skills they need to be successful in KS2.  In lower KS2 they build upon these and deepen their understanding so that by Upper KS2 they are able to draw subject specific learning together to look at wider concepts such as trade, fairness and leadership.

Subjects are taught discretely.  However, we recognise that concepts rarely fit neatly into one subject and so our teachers do make meaningful inter-disciplinary links when it will support learning.

Our teachers are passionate educators who ensure that they have the appropriate subject knowledge in order to deliver content well.  This is complemented by CPD for all staff on our curriculum.  

Curriculum Impact

We plan by being outcome focussed across the curriculum - what should the age related expected look like? This is the same regardless of what subject the children are working in e.g. Science, history, maths, English, geography, etc.

Children are tested regularly following units of work in reading, writing and maths to ensure that concepts have been understood and have been retained in children’s long-term memory. These tests are compared against children nationally or are age standardised – this means that we can be confident that what we think is an age related outcome actually is!


To find out more about our Curriculum please contact the school office who can put you in touch with the Subject Leader.